126,672 words
by: HereForTannies
(Adoption, AU - 1980s, Fluff, AngstHurt/Comfort, Internalized Homophobia, Historical, Korean-American Character, AU - Historical, Letters, Coming Out, Happy Ending, Romance, side sope, Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Angst, 20th Century 🔞)
OMFG.. I don’t know where to start!! This was my prompt for season 5 In Bloom Fic Fest and I almost cried when I saw how long it was. The writer really took their time and worked hard for this and I’m beyond grateful for them. It was such an honor really, and I’m so thankful for them!! I’m so in love with how they wrote it so beautifully and I felt like was pulled back into the 1980s. Their exchanging of letters was definitely my fave part. It really felt like I was the one reading the letter and the use of words in the letters was intricately chosen that makes my heart flutter. I cried a lot and bawled my eyes out when the confrontation between Tae and his Dad happened.And the way Tae told and wrote it in his letter broke my heart.I love how they were each other’s strengths even though they were oceans apart. And I’m really glad they found each other through lost snail mail! This story really highlights a strong message to our society that we should accept every human being as the way they want to be and love who they want to. It displays both the ugly and beautiful elements of the human life that have my heart wrenching in all sorts of ways. This was really a masterpiece!! Please read it and give it more love!!! ( After the reveals, I reached out to the amazing author of this fic..And I told her that my guess was correct HAHA.. After reading this, I immediately looked for her account in twitter and followed her hihi.. If ever you'll see this Bee, you know I'm forever grateful for you writing this. <3)
"You deserve to be happy, you know, even if it's the kind of happy hidden behind doors, in quiet rooms where freedom and true love can exist"
"Hey, when this kind of love is meant to be a secret, don't feel bad about not seeing it."
"There's so much more to relationships than what society tells us, hm? You and I are proof of that."

57,032 words
by: BlackSwanJun
(Prostitution, Sex Work, tragic past, Manhandling, Voyeurism, Brothels, Orphan Characters, Minor Original Character(s), Threesome - M/M/M, Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Humor, Some Vminkook, a little jikook, Happy Ending Taekook, Implied/Referenced Kidnapping, Angst and Tragedy 🔞)
Honestly, I haven’t read much vminkook fics.. I think this was only the second one I’ve read after HOC, so it’s hard for me not to compare? If that make sense.. But damn the smut was “Bultaoreune” FIIIRRREEE!!! HAHAHA! And I do understand coz the prompt was so vague and the prompter wanted pwp which I can say that this is more than pwp.. WOW. haha! Nevertheless, it’s a good read altogether.
“I didn’t know what I wanted from you.. I-I just wanted you.”

14,356 words
by: Filledusoleil
(AU - Arranged Marriage, Model, CEO, Falling In Love 🔞)
Ahh this was such a heartwarming fic.. Even though their relationship started on a wrong foot, they were able to learn to love and accept their differences and agreed to give their marriage a try. I love it!! And I love how independent Tae is in this story, he’s not painted as the weak husband trophy material. In addition, Guk treats him as his equal. I also liked how sweet Guk is to Tae, especially at the ending part. Uwu
“You are my husband, Taehyung. It took you little time to erase her from my heart. Surely, the feelings I had weren’t deep or worthy of any union. I came to realize that. I am happy with you now.”

33,365 words
by: vlueparrot
(Idiots in Love, Office AU, namgi is done, featuring Jake Gyllenhaal, very cracky 🔞)
OMFG!! This was soooo funny!! I was LMAO all throughout.. Jeongguk was a stuttering mess haha.. How can he be so damn cute and hot at the same time!! I love his character in this fic.. And Tae who’s so endeared by him. Ahh..I already know what’s behind the talk about Tae’s kids!! Guk is hilariously embarrassing omg! I wanna hide under the bed whenever he embarrasses himself in front of everyone and especially Tae!! This was highly entertaining. And the writer’s writing was so effortlessly funny. If you’re having a bad day, this fic is definitely for you!! It’ll immediately lift your mood up.
“Jeongguk, why the fuck would I name my child Jake Gyllenhaal? I’m Korean.”

25,308 words
by: tearhrs
(Hate to Love, Greaser, Car Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Drinking, Flirting 🔞)
WTF!! Grease inspired Taekook fic?!?! Yes, sign me up!! This was amazingly good!! I love the way Tae came into the picture and how mysterious he was in Guk’s eyes, and also how he played hard to get OMG! Haha! I totally loved their dynamics here and how their relationship slowly progressed. They’re so smittenly in love with each other!! That fast and the furious scene hahaha and the smut scene?!? Holy guacamole!! This was so fun to read!! I loved everything about it!
“And with one more sweet kiss, Jeongguk realizes that for Taehyung, he would be anything.”

117,060 words
by: obliviatae
(Character Development, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Mental Health Issues, Angst with a Happy Ending, But with fluff in between, Fluff, Introspection, Mental Instability, Hook-Up, Friends With Benefits, Depression, Eating Disorders(the explicit scenes are tagged there), learning to love yourself, Learning to love others, Travel, Sharing a Bed, Slow Burn, Romance, Falling In Love 🔞)
This was so beautiful!! I loved every part of it.. The characterization, pacing and the build up of the story was very well thought of. I love how selfless Guk is to Tae.. It must be so hard for Tae to open up and let things go out of his control but as this fic says, there will always be an exception for everything and luckily Jeongguk was his only exception. AHHH!! I love how Guk came into Tae’s life and slowly broke down his shell and fully accepted him and his flaws. Their exchange of confessions always brings my heart to flutter. I love the way they love each other, and how selflessly in love both of them are with each other. And OMFG the author writes smut like BUTTER haha! Definitely a must read!
“Just your existence in itself is beautiful.”
“Besides, you’re the only one I made an exception for, and there’s only one exception…”

16,650 words
by: zerorequiem
(AU - 1970s, Slice of Life, Painter, Artist, Hot Weather, Minor Violence, Stealing, Bisexuality, Sexual Tension, Body Worship 🔞)
WOW! This was so good and beautifully written. I feel like I was brought back to the 1970s and how NYC looked at that time!! And yes I imagined Tae wearing his dynamite’s outfit.. HAHA! I love their dynamics and there’s something so sexy about it! (After the reveals, I'm not really surprised that this was zero's...always a great mind and exquisite taste)
"People could still be authentic. Every day he spent observing strangers taught him that people were inherently different, had unique temperaments and lives that informed how they reacted to the same thing. Nothing ever happened twice the same way. The unexpected should be expected.”

34,021 words
by: euroria
(AU - Modern Setting, Slow Burn, Sexual Tension, Lawyer, Androgynous, Recreational Drug Use, Fluff, Angst, Mutual Pining)
This was so cute!! Their first meeting, the shyness in getting to know each other and the slow steps they took in becoming a couple. I’ve read only a few fic where Tae is androgynous and damn I understand Guk why he’s so whipped for this guy HAHA! I can only imagine how sexy and hot Tae is!! Also!! My first time encountering the pet name peach!!! Haha! I loved it!
“I want you to know before anything, you’re good enough for me. You’re more than enough for me. You’re everything I want.”

162,629 words
by: bluevoyance
(Science Fiction, Near Future, Genetics and Bioengineering, Mundane Sci Fi, Heavy Plot, Action, Suspense, Slow Burn, Developing Relationship, Unethical Experimentation, Psychologically manipulated character, Discussions of Science and Ethics, Blood and Injury, Minor Character Death, Angst with a Happy Ending)
This was so so good! I can’t imagine the amount of research, time and effort the author poured in to create a monstrous sci-fi fic like this! I’ve read a few sci-fi fics but wow this was on another level.. The world building, characterization and the plot were so good.. I can really imagine it with the way it was written by the author.. I even cried when Tae confessed..huhu! And after all the revelations were revealed about Tae’s identity, everything made sense..Taekook are just so perfect for each other.. I also love that the rest of BTS remained friends with them..such an amazing read!! ( After the reveals, I'm not surprised at all! HAHA! Brilliant mind!! I've had an inkling that this was bluevoyance's work.. and yes it really was!)
“I thought that falling in love was easy, that you just had to give your heart to someone and hope they accept and cherish it. Apparently, it’s not that simple.”

13,840 words
by: pocketggukie
(First Kiss, Fluff, First Dates, Happy Ending, Resolved Sexual Tension, Artist, Camboy, Sexual Tension, Masturbation, Awkward Flirting 🔞)
Wow!! This was so good! I love it.. I’m so soft for this Taekook.. They’re too cute and JK as a camboy is so freaking HOT hahaha! And tae paintings were based on JK’s hand?!?! That’s so whipped culture haha! I really enjoyed reading this!!
“But why would they put your art in a gallery when they could put you.”

60,369 words
by: perfectaenist
(AU - Cruise Ship, AU - College/University, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Accidental Boyfriend Acquistion, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Mutual Pining, Summer Love, all the vacation vibes, Sharing a Bed, A lot of kissing, Doubt, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Mild angst if you squint, taekook are on a cruise "pretending" to be boyfriends 🔞)
Yoooo!! My lips are already swollen just from reading taekook kissing a a TON haha and I'm not complaining coz damn this is real gold!! I loved this so much! Their dynamics was so cute and to die for!! uggghh why are they so cute!! Like who would have thought just standing next to a handsome looking guy would land you to win a cruise trip for two just because you look like a damn couple. I really loved every part of this.. they really are so head over heels into each other and guess we all are for both of them too! hihi!
"You've been a dream, Tae. A dream that felt so far away, for the longset time and yet only a week ago, it was right in front of me all of a sudden. Handed over to me in the form of a couple's ticket to a weekend cruise. And it became a dream I never wanted to wake up from."

Please feel free to contact me if you have any recommendations or questions.

( Made with Carrd )